Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting a Glutening

Well after an enthusiastic start it's all gone a bit quiet on GGF. Reason? For the next few weeks I'm not going gluten free, in fact I'm under doc's orders to gluten myself up :o(
Due to the appointment debacle described earlier I thought I wasn't getting a biopsy till end of Oct, and agreed with my doc to go GF for a while then reintroduce it for a month before. So I had several weeks of starting to feel amazingly better than I have in a long time. Then my whinging pro-active appointment chasing paid off and I got an appt for the end of Sept - yay! Time to get on with it at last! And time to get back on the gluten.
I started rather gingerly with a little couscous in an otherwise GF salad, but the twinge in my side was back pretty quickly. Three days later I got to the "sod it" stage and had a panini. Bad move. Afternoon spent lying on the sofa with a bloated tummy the size of a football and waves of what felt like nausea. Nice.
So, three weeks more to go of daily poisoning, and although I knew I'd have to do this and was looking forward to a "last chance" to munch on lovely bread and croissants and fresh pasta and scampi and pastry and cakes and sushi and all sorts, I'm actually just a bit fed up to be bloated, tired and in ongoing pain. I can't believe I put up with this for so long.

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